Roma, 12 ott – E’ ufficiale, Vittorio Sgarbi si candida a sindaco di Roma in vista delle elezioni amministrative del 2021. Sgarbi, che ora è sindaco di Sutri, correrà con la lista Rinascimento, fondata nel 2017. La Raggi, a quanto pare, ha il primo “sfidante” di peso.
Il movimento Rinascimento di Sgarbi
Sempre con Rinascimento, Sgarbi in Valle d’Aosta ha ottenuto il 5% alle regionali e ha portato al ballottaggio ad Aosta il candidato sindaco. La decisione di Sgarbi ora senz’altro mette Lega, Fratelli d’Italia e Forza Italia alle strette sul nome di un candidato sindaco. Sgarbi, dal canto suo, sarà appoggiato da diverse associazioni, comitati e movimenti civici tra cui quello “No euro – Italia Libera”, guidato da Gian Luca Proietti Toppi.
“Raggi calamità naturale”
“La sindacatura di Virginia Raggi passerà alla storia come la più grave calamità naturale dopo il grande incendio di Roma del 64 D.C. ai tempi dell’imperatore Nerone. C’è da ricostruire una città e ridarle la dignità di Capitale“, dice Sgarbi. Ci si consenta di dire che Nerone ha veramente avuto la stampa contro nei secoli: rispetto alla sindaca pentastellato merita sicuramente una rivalutazione. Per il resto, ovvero per i dettagli sul programma e sulla lista, bisognerà aspettare mercoledì quando a Roma il candidato sindaco Sgarbi terrà una conferenza stampa sull’argomento.
Ilaria Paoletti
Peccato che non ha modi.
E’ sgarbato.
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] into her time period, critics say issues have solely gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations have been shut for months final 12 months after an escalator […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] into her time period, critics say issues have solely gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations have been shut for months final 12 months after an escalator […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggi’s watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, injuring […]
[…] years into her term, critics say things have only gotten worse, with refuse and water crises on Raggiâs watch. Three central metro stations were shut for months last year after an escalator collapsed, […]
[…] elettorale come candidato sindaco di Roma, invitando il centrodestra a confluire su di lui. Già ad ottobre aveva reso noto questo intento, e nella medesima occasione – una conferenza stampa en plein air nel centro di Roma – aveva detto questo di […]