Pistoia, 22 gennaio – Erano inquilini da quasi 30 anni – dal 1992 – della canonica della parrocchia di San Martino a Iano, un piccolo comune del pistoiese. Ma per loro è arrivato il momento dello sfratto, comunicato dal parroco. Per motivi di indigenza non riuscivano più a pagare l’affitto. Chissà se per loro arriverà il lieto fine, come per tanti immigrati ospitati nelle parrocchie di tutta Italia per i quali si accoglie senza battere ciglio.
“Noi eravamo contenti – dice la donna – avevamo i bimbi piccoli, mia marito lavorava e pagavamo l’affitto. Eravamo ministri straordinari, facevamo catechismo, ci occupavamo di tutto ciò che riguardava la chiesa”. Nel 2005 il marito aveva perso il lavoro ma fino al 2010 la famiglia era riuscita a pagare l’affitto. Sempre secondo quanto riportato dalla Nazione, il parroco di allora, don Giacomelli, aveva esortato l’uomo a scrivere una lettera alla Curia spiegando la situazione e chiedendo di poter pagare l’affitto eseguendo dei lavori in canonica e chiesa. Dalla curia, il silenzio totale.
Cristina Gauri
…famiglia seguita dalla “caritas”…. caxxi loro ….sono fortunati se gli lasciano le mutande…
Soluzione ….tingersi di marrone ….
Maurizio Andreini , TU SIA MALEDETTO !!!!!
be sure , Lucifer is waiting for you .
Letter from Palestine
If the Messiah was amongst us today he would never allow the priest to evict the family in the street. A man of God must fear God. A man of God helps those in need rather evict them because the messiah was born to help those who are poor and in need of the support of God. This family has suffered enough! Every Church needs a caretaker. Allow the family to care for the church so they can continue to live in the house of God, This church is the house of God and God does not evict anyone from his home! As a Muslim I ask the priest to repent for his actions because as the servant of God he has no right to evict God’s followers in the street. This family is poor and sick! They cannot pay the money you are demanding so why are you taking them to court. If this Priest evicts then he would have surely have evicted the Messiah because like this family he was a poor wayfarer!
Hanin Abou Salem
If this Priest evicts then he would have surely have evicted the Messiah because like this family he was a poor wayfarer!
Hanin Abou Salem
Muslim from Palestine
Many churches around the world are being abandoned. Some are sold and turned into private homes and shopping centres. As a Muslim I get very sad when I see churches empty from their followers. What hurts my heart more is when those who claim to be the servants of God kicking people out from his home. After reading this article to my family we all cried and our hearts started hurting. We will pray to God to ease this families pain. If we had a home of our own we would have allowed them to stay with us rent free. This priest must repent because his behaviour drives people away from God! Many people see God through his servants so when they come across this type of story some conclude that those who represent God are hypocrites and as a consequences they turn away from churches. My faith in God places a duty upon me to stand up against injustice and to defend those in need